Overview | 中文版配套详情 | Pakej versi melayu

Itinerary: for reference only

Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

Package Includes:

Package Excludes:

Special Notes:

Photo Gallery:

Superior Room
Coral Redang Resort Superior Room Coral Redang Island superior room shower & dressing area
Restaurant Swimming Pool
Coral Redang Island Resort Restaurant Coral Redang Island Resort Swimming Pool

Tour Price: RM (per person)

2017 Coral Redang Island Resort Snorkeling Package Price

Govisitredang guarantees best price! Fill up the form below and we will get back to you with best deal!

We are reachable by phone too:

+60102216385 or +60102396385 (Watsapps, Wechat, LINE, SMS)

Coral Redang Island Resort Online Booking Form:

Questions & Answers:

Any questions related to this Coral Redang Island Resort Snorkeling Package? Ask us by dropping a message using the comment section below, we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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